There is something
of chance in everything we do, and chance is an open road through which fate
enters our lives.”

Karel Capek

viernes, 2 de marzo de 2012

Actividad Nivel básico.

Traduce al español lo que dice el cartel de la fotografía.
¿Dónde podrías encontrar un cartel como éste?

Redacción de una de mis alumnas. Nivel intermedio.

Last summer I spent one month in the United States.
     I took a plain from Madrid to Philadelphia, and then, another plain from Philadelphia to Columbus, Ohio, and I met a friend.  We wanted to travel from east cost to west cost by car. We started 4 July and the first 5 days, we only drove and stopped for eating and sleeping. We passed Nuevo Mexico, Texas and arrived to Phoenix, the capital of Arizona state. We passed a few days in Phoenix with friends who live there and we picked up a friend from London, Justin, and followed the trip to Grand Canyon, We made campground and passed 5 days hiking in the Grand Canyon.

After, Utah, the dead valley and Brice Canyon. The landscape was amazing.

Then Zeon park, and finally Las Vegas. I liked it Las Vegas, I think is the funniest place that I never saw. We enjoyed seeing a show with the famous magician David Copperfield. In Las Vegas, Justin took a plain to come back to London and  the rest of us followed the trip until Yosemite park.
Most of our trip is parks because we love nature and the States have some of the wonderful parks in the world. Yosemite is beautiful because the mountains, the lakes, the rivers and the waterfalls. Nest stop, Sequoya National Park, Yosemite and Sequoya National Part are both in California. In Sequoya National Park we saw the biggest trees in the world, the biggest is called General Sherman. Then San Francisco, after San Francisco, Los Angeles. In Los Angeles we did sightseeing: Hollywood, Beverly Hills and its amazing houses, the walk of fame, Rodeo Drive and Venice beach.

   There, our trip was finished, we had reached the west cost and it was time to come back more or less in the same way, by car and driving all time until Columbus.


Españoles en el mundo

Estos son mis amigos, son profesores de español que conocí en Estados Unidos. Desde aquí quiero mandarles un fuerte abrazo y decirles que les echo de menos!!!